Labyrinth Art Journeys Vol. 1
Learn to Draw & Paint Classical Style Labyrinths Creativity • Meditation • Inspiration
The Art of the Labyrinth - and the lure of an Ancient Symbol and Archetype
Labyrinths have been and continue to be used by people around the world as a way of finding simple moments of peace, seeking answers, creative recharging and so much more. This ancient tool, while often walked with feet and fingers, is also an ancient art motif that has been in our human awareness for over 4,000 years.
When we bring our creative selves to the labyrinth, we have a way to go deeper into ourselves with our art.
In this course you'll learn to draw, paint and engage with some of the oldest forms of the labyrinth:
- learn how to draw and create a wide variety of Classical Labyrinth forms & seed patterns
- Make your own Labyrinth Seed Journal
- Using pattern, color and form to 'walk' a hand-drawn or painted labyrinth
- the course also includes:
- over 30 Gently guided Video Tutorials
- Audio/Visual Meditations,
- Mixed Media 2 dimensional Art Projects
- Clay and Snow Labyrinths
- Walking a Labyrinth with your Pen / A "Tangled" Labyrinth
- Designing from labyrinth seed patterns
- Using the Labyrinth as a Form in abstract artwork
- Downloadable PDF Guides
- Two Previously Recorded Video Drawing clinics
This is a self-serve course with 12 modules
Scroll down for a peek into a lesson or two...
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Course Curriculum
StartWelcome! Intro to Classical Labyrinths & Supplies (4:25)
PreviewAbout Seed Patterns and the 3 Circuit Labyrinth (9:22)
Start7 Circuit Labyrinth Seed Pattern (8:41)
Start11 circuit Classical Labyrinths (7:42)
StartBonus Project: Make a Simple Journal for your Labyrinths (23:59)
StartUnit 1 Discussion Area
The 12 Module Course Schedule Includes:
Classical labyrinth seed patterns
- Processional Labyrinths,
- Baltic Labyrinths,
- Man in the Maze,
- Chakhra-Vyuha Patterns,
- Playing with Seeds & Circuits,
- Drawing the Path instead of the Borders
- Over 30 videos...
- and more!
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Your Instructor
Sadelle Wiltshire is a contemplative teaching artist, based in Vermont, whose art and creations have been rooted in the focus and flow that comes when one is present with their inner voice. She enjoys sharing this love with others, in teaching, mentoring and inspiring people to create. Sadelle is a Fiber and Mixed Media artist, workshop and retreat leader, a Certified Zentangle® Teacher (CZT#7), a Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator and a Quaker, with roots in spirit-led art. She has been facilitating and teaching in-person creative workshops for over 20 years, in the US and occasionally now abroad.
Frequently Asked Questions
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"Your drawing tips are very helpful, and your patient approach to the drawing process reminds me not to get discouraged."
- Carolyn B.
"I think my favorite part is that I have all these practice sheets that when they are filled with labyrinths, I have been using for grocery lists, writing down an address I need to go to, schedules, in other words beautifying my everyday mundane life."
- Janet R.
"I am so excited to find your course and begin learning and drawing labyrinths. This is a great way to start. I love learning and drawing the 3, 7 and 11 circuit classical labyrinths, i never even knew they existed, or that that labyrinth was so ancient and found in so many cultures. Amazing! It feels like it is part of our humanity, a archtypical symbol that comes to people in all times and places. Thank you so very much, Sadelle. I am very grateful."
- Mary Helen F.
"This is a great course. Just what I needed in the middle of an NW snow storm! I love the idea of planting seeds after a long winter. Your descriptions and step by step process makes it easy and it builds on itself."
- Gwendolyn B.
"I love playing with the shapes! So many possibilities. I think this may be a whole new thing for me"
- Sheila G.